Monday, October 26, 2015

Compose your Frame

Driving up to Pine Valley, this spot gets me every time.  Why? Probably because it adheres to many of the suggested "rules" of photography.  The most obvious is the rule of thirds the Church and the road are on the direct intersections of the horizontal and vertical lines and are thus the focal points.  Additionally, the horizon line and more or less the mountain line line up horizontally in the frame with the landscape divided into thirds.  Leading lines are included as the three lines on the road draw your eye into the picture.  Diagonal lines create movement as the closes line (which is also aligned  with the second third of the frame) draws you down the road toward the trees.  Figure to ground is used as the contrast between the focal point the church and trees is exaggerated by the white church and the dark trees.   Patterns and repetition are in use with the poles of the fence leading to the focal point.  Also the pattern of the trees along the horizon line is present and is interrupted by the white church which is a bonus point!  Lastly a motion vector is present. There are three pointing shapes; the road, and the two sections of grass that lead the eye towards on of the focal points in the composition.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Axion of Web Design

Check out the website:
as you scroll down the next photo is pretty amazing.  This is a screen shot of it, which is pretty amazing but on the website as you scroll you mouse around this photo you can actually move around in the mess of jumping people in a 3D manner, an use of the affordance axiom.

 I really like this website and as I was scrolling through many different sites they seemed to cluttery.  This site has great photos with ideal lighting in black and white pulling you in with lots of contrast.  What is the business objective? It is obvious they are selling coolness! These hipsters are wearing jeans that are cool just like they are! The page design is simple and clean with a strong grid.  The prompts are intuitive and simple to navigate.  The page does not use the lower right hotspot to use for shopping (they use the top right for that) instead they use this prime location for people to follow and post their own pictures on social media.  They are taking advantage of free advertising! Lastly this page also converts to to other aspect ratios.  A similar but more simplified design and photos pulled up on my phone so the page looked great on my phone as well!